Research Interests

I am currently working on my dissertation under supervision of Dr. Andreas Krug, my work being related to derived categories of algebraic varieties on the one hand and concerned with Hilbert schemes of points on the other hand. 


My research interests include:


  • derived categories in algebraic geometry, homological algebra, category theory,
  • moduli spaces in general (in particular Hilbert and Quot schemes) and their invariants, 
  • Hilbert schemes of points, varieties of triangles, configuration spaces, 
  • representation theory of finite-dimensional algebras and quivers, quiver moduli,
    representation theory of finite groups,
  • algebraic groups and GIT.


Research Articles


  • Endomorphism Algebras of Equivariant Exceptional Collections (joint work with Andreas Krug): (published in Algebras and Representation theory in February 2025);
    DOI: 10.1007/s10468-025-10313-0



Master and Bachelor Theses

Below, you find the title of my Master Thesis and my Bachelor Thesis. If you are interested in reading through it, feel free to contact me!


  • Exceptional Sequences in Equivariant Derived Categories (Master thesis submitted in December 2021)


  • Picard's Great Theorem (Der große Satz von Picard, in German; Bachelor thesis submitted in July 2019)


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